
Maximize efficiency with the EHR created for chiropractors

Streamline your workday, improve profitability, and enhance patient care with Chiropractic Advantage.

“Outstanding customization features!” -Dr. Fred

We Support the Way You Work

Advantage includes customizable templates to support the documentation needs of chiropractors.

Adaptive Learning Technology

Our EHR learns your individual practice patterns as you chart, and automatically adapts to your style of practice.


Our integrated telehealth feature allows you to connect remotely with patients via real-time video and audio chat.



Our powerful task automation App that automates repetitive tasks including reporting, patient communications, and staff to-do’s.

Mobile Patient Engagement

In-office patient engagement to increase your bottom line!

We’re the most flexible software you can buy

Screens, workflows, reports, standard of care plans — Advantage lets you easily customize them all to support your exact style of practice.

Complete All-in-One Solution

We offer a single solution for your entire office workflow including EHR, Practice Management, inventory management, and a patient portal.

We're the most powerful Cloud EHR on your PC, iPad, and Tablet

Enjoy anywhere, anytime access to patient records, your schedule, and all of the great features of your Advantage software.

Revenue Cycle Management

We even offer an Expert Billing Service to get you paid more, faster.

Outstanding Training and Support

Our responsive, knowledgeable support and training team is by your side every step of the way to ensure your EHR success.




Our SMART billing solutions reduce time to work claims by 90%



Our Advantage SMART Workflow® improves patient throughput by 15% or more!



Advantage helps you get paid more of what you're owed for your services.

Mobile Patient Engagement

Stay connected, reduce no-shows, and market your services

Do More with Less

 Learn how our specialty specific EHR can save you time and money.


Do less work and get paid more, faster with our expert billing services.

See What Advantage Can Do

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