Compulink’s Text-to-Pay Patient Statements

Helping reduce the costs of sending statements, Advantage Patient Experience offers patients the ability to make payments from their own device using their credit card, debit card, Apple Pay or Google Wallet. Practices can also send Outstanding Balance texts or emails with a quick pay link for a simple and efficient way for patients to make a payment. Payments via Advantage Patient Experience will also be at a your current or a lower rate than your existing payment processor providing more value for the practice.

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Specialty-Specific All-in-One Solution



Our SMART billing solutions reduce time to work claims by 90%



Our Advantage SMART Workflow® improves patient throughput by 15% or more!



Advantage helps you get paid more of what your owed for your services.

Mobile Patient Engagement

Stay connected, reduce no-shows, and market your services

Do More with Less

 Learn how our specialty specific EHR can save you time and money.


Do less work and get paid more, faster with our expert billing services.

See What Advantage Can Do

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